Make UK Awards success for Bump and Tharsus Apprentices

Manufacturers organisation Make UK named Bump winner of its Manufacturing Matters Award for the North East and Humber region at the ceremony, held virtually, on Tuesday evening.

The  awards, run by Manufacturers’ organisation, Make UK, recognise and champion the very best of UK Manufacturing and those who work it.

Tharsus scooped the top award in the Manufacturing Matters category, which recognises companies or collaborations that demonstrate exceptional adapatability and resilience to impact their business and improve lives and society.

This year Make UK wanted to recognise these achievements in the face of the unprecendented threat posed by Covid. In particular those who have transformed their business to support the fight against the coronavirus by using their skills, innovation, technologies, and engineering expertise.

They felt that Bump, the powerful social distancing system developed by Tharsus did exactly that.

And it was a winning night for Tharsus’ apprentices too, with Sophie Laidlaw winning the Rising Star category and Hamish Carroll named runner up in both the Final Year Apprentice and Endeavour categories.

Rising Star recognises apprentices who have done the most to seize the training and development opportunities presented to them during the early years of their engineering apprenticeship programme, making a significant contribution to support the activities of their employer.

Endeavour recognises determination to participate in the programme to their highest ability and to show great progress on their individual journey.

This is a significant achievement both can be rightly proud of.

So congratulations to Sophie, Hamish and all involved in Bump!

Manufacturing Matters Make UK

Next week we’ll be introducing you to our Graduates. 2020 is our biggest intake to date!

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