How do we unlock innovation?

In this report we hear from Pippa Sharma, Deputy Director, Technology & Strategy at BEIS, Steve Foxley, CEO of the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre, Dr Graeme Macolme OBE, CEO and Founder of leading Quantum Tech company M Squared, Priya Guha MBE, Venture Partner of Digital Technology business Merian Ventures and Brian Palmer, our Founder, as they share their thoughts about the alchemy of unlocking innovation.

Designing the key to unlock any door, you need the perfect key. Every inch must be perfectly carved to the unique proportions of the lock it will open – a process requiring care, thought and design.

When we talk about unlocking innovation for the UK, each of these factors must similarly be considered. There is an opportunity to open a door to greater disruption, growth and digital transformation across UK manufacturing, science and technology. But to do so successfully – to engineer progress – will require us to design the key.

The pandemic was a window that showed us what lies behind the door. It revealed our capacity to come together and solve problems under a unifying purpose and, in the midst of its challenges, any number of opportunities for future innovation were revealed.

But if we are not careful, our window of opportunity for great change will slam shut. If we fail to re-think and re-shape our approach to innovation, harnessing what works and understanding what doesn’t, then our moment of reset will remain just that – a moment.

Designing the key to unlock innovation was the challenge posed to a group of senior manufacturing and technology leaders at the first in a series of Tharsus Engineer Progress roundtable discussions…

Session one: Unlocking Innovation

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